Red Rice – Kullakar (Raw)


5kg, 10kg, 25kg



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Seasons: It is normally cultivated during Sornavari and Navarai (between April 15th to August 14th and December are 15th to March 14th).

Region: Tamil Nadu

Specialty: Idly & Dosa

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SKU: GRN_KULL_R Category:
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Medicinal: It possesses antioxidant properties and has higher zinc and iron content than white

rice. They also strengthen, regenerate, and energize the body, regulate blood pressure, and

prevent skin diseases and premature aging. Kullakar rice contains complex carbohydrates that

are good for health.

GI: 52.25%

Historical: It is an ancient red rice variety with a lot of health benefits. The straw of this variety

is very sturdy and is preferred as a roofing material. It is still cultivated in those areas where

thatched houses are prevalent.

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5kg, 10kg, 25kg

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